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We have moved from Warwick to the beautiful city of Valencia (Spain).
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Alfonso Jaramillo

Prof. Jaramillo (CSIC) has a PhD in Particle Physics (1999), Alfonso Jaramillo worked on the computational design of proteins, using molecular modelling techniques. Afterwards, after moving as Assistant Professor to Ecole Polytechnique, he developed computational design methods for metabolic networks, transcriptional networks, and particularly RNA networks. He has published more than 100 papers (orcid.org/0000-0002-6313-9689). In 2009, after moving to CNRS-Genopole as senior researcher, he started his experimental microbiology lab where he could validate experimentally his computational methodologies. He then developed and used automated microscopy and microfluidics chips for single-cell validations. In 2013, he moved to the University of Warwick as Full Professor, where he had been developing new cell-culture bioreactors for directed evolution, which he applied to engineer the first synthetic bacteriophage. He also developed a novel gene regulation relying on RNA, where he developed the first automated design methodology to engineer riboregulators in E. coli. He has coordinated several Synthetic Biology national (French, UK, Spain) grants and international and European consortia, he is the Editor-in-Chief of BioDesign Research (published by AAAS) editor for Europe of the J. Biol. Engineering (published by Nature-Springer), and he is member of the editorial boards of ACS Synthetic Biology and iLife. He is the main organiser of https://www.biodesign-conference.com conference.


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